About Us

About Buildcos

Buildcos is a leading international property and infrastructure group, with approximately 13,000 employees across operations in Australia, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, our employees help to create places that leave a positive legacy with a focus.

The relevance of our business today is testament to our founder’s foresight. Duss made sure we had all the ingredients we needed to grow Buildcos well into the future. We are bold and innovative, we value knowledge, we do what matters and we look for common interests and purposeful outcomes. This is how we deliver on our vision. Curabitur at orci placerat, interdum elit eget, tincidunt tortor. Sed dapibus lobortis urna, sit amet finibus ligula iaculis non. Quisque porta est id odio blandit finibus. Duis egestas ante at mi elementum, a porttitor neque ultricies. Suspendisse potenti.


A strong balance sheet and access to third party capital enables Lendlease to fund the execution. Donec ligula purus, commodo vitae odio at, dictum vulputate odio.


24/7 Hours Support

We adopt a collaborative approach to our relationships, delivering high quality products and services. Sed a nisl vel justo varius ultrices eu et ligula. In scelerisque sollicitudin sapien.


Health And Safety

Everyone has the right to go home safely to their families, friends and loved ones, every day.Cras nec leo efficitur, pellentesque massa nec, pretium purus. Aenean sed volutpat lorem.


Public policy

We engage with policy-makers, regulators, opinion formers and all levels of government to make. Duis congue blandit elit gravida blandit. Integer tristique eget ipsum eu aliquet.



Buildcos has a proud history of giving emphasis to environmental, social and economic outcomes. Duis sapien lectus, consectetur at convallis non, posuere vel metus.



Our pillars of value enhance our ability to originate, fund, build, deliver and manage major urbanisation.Ut non lobortis neque. Nunc bibendum maximus magna varius dignissim.